Spring Session Has Started

Friday,  February 28th, we started our ‘spring session’ of therapeutic riding. Chester and I had a great ride and joining us was my friend, Grace; and her horse, Whistle. We even had a chance to ride outside on the snowy trail. The riders that were scheduled for Saturday, didn’t  have the same luck as we did; because the temperature took a turn for the worse causing their classes to be cancelled. Chester thinks spring is coming  because he is SHEDDING.  My side walker, Susan, carries a hanky to wipe my nose when it runs in this cold weather; and when she wiped my nose she got Chester hair on my face. Then trying to remove that with her hairy gloves was a challenge. It was pretty funny!


  1. Jeanne Loy says

    Oh my!!! Your face must have felt funny with horse hair all over it! Thanks for this newsy post…it is fun to hear about your riding with Chester!