Halloween Break

All horses love Halloween, even the horses at the Free Rein barn. They decided to take a week off from giving rides and are going to celebrate Halloween tomorrow in the way all horses do; extra hay!

I actually had a week off before this. Our family flew to Tampa Bay, Florida, and enjoyed a week at the beach on Captiva Island with our friends, the McLendons. We had a fabulous time, the weather was fantastic, and the company was great.

I am looking forward to seeing Chester next week!


  1. Hi Andrea! Yay for horses and hay and Halloween day and for being able to fly to Tampa Bay! …and the week at the beach on Captiva Island!! Oh WOW! Good for the horses to get some R & R too, although even in one week I know you miss Chester!!
    Thanks for the update! I love going to Aunties and seeing your book in The Local Author section!